News from variable stars' world and from our organisation

2. 12. 2016:
New observing campaign: Observation of eruptive binary stars EV Lac, AD Leo and V0711 Tau. The campaign is announced by prof. Petr Heinzel and Ladislav Šmelcer and it is hold from : 7 th to 13 th December 2016. They require photometric observations to simultaneous spectroscopic measurements performed with 2m telescopes in Germany in this term. Selected object EV Lac, AD Leo or V0711 Tau should be monitored with each telescope only with one filter to obtain the best time resolution of expected flare events. The choice of the filter which observer should be used will be specified by L. Šmelcer according to the logged observers and their equipments. If you are interested to join the campaign, please contact Ladislav Šmelcer, he will coordinate the observations. More specific information you can find in PDF file (written in German):
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Magpie observatory (FTP)
(Martin Bartošík)

STATUS: Active20:00 - 06:00

PROGRAM: V 709 Cas, main program - CV and transits of exoplanets

Observatorio Astronómico Giordano Bruno
(Fco- Manuel Santos Álamo)

STATUS: Active20:38 - 04:38

PROGRAM: De 20:00 a 02:30

Osservatorio Astronomico Citta di Seveso
(Pietro Aceti)

STATUS: Active12:30 - 10:45


(Giuseppe Conzo)

STATUS: Active10:47 - 18:47