> Hoňková K., Juryšek J. (HaP JP Ostrava)

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Belong to project: B.R.N.O.   MEDUZA   TRESCA   HERO

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JD format: geocentric  heliocentric
date: 5.5.2011 20:56-2:13 UT
Photometric filter: Clear
y  (Strömgren phot. system)
Photometric system: instrumental   standardní photometric system UBVRcIc

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object V 575 Lyr

  1. Anton Paschke, 17. 7. 2011
    in O-C GATE is writen type = DSCT and there are two set of elements, one for minima (p) and one for maxima (R). In Simbad there is a paper of Poretti and Co, concluding V575 Lyr as DSCT star. To avoid future confusion I decide to delete the star from O-C GATE and BRNO forecast.
  2. Maurice Audejean, 6. 7. 2011
    It is not eclipsing binary but star type DSCT
  3. Maurice Audejean, 5. 7. 2011
    minimum expected 2455747.503 or 0h 05 TU minimum observed 2455747.4250584 or 1h 52 min earlier Elements 54617.52812+0.1455591*E
  4. Maurice Audejean, 17. 6. 2011
    Minimum expected around 2455729.453 Observation shows a maximum. Minimum indefinable.


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