: TrES-2 b
: : 280° | : 40°
: Clear
Our calibration was done using bias-subtraction, # dark-correction, and dome flatfields. The photometry was # done with aperture photometry of 5.71 arcseconds # (10 pixels) with a sky-estimation annulus of 8.565-11.420 # arcseconds (15-20 pixels) in radius. #CCD (model) : KAF-6303E/LE #CCD (array) : 3072 X 2048 pixels #CCD (image area) : 27.7 mm X 18.5 mm #CCD (FOV) : 29.2 X 19.5 arcminutes #CCD (pix scale) : 0.57\\\"/pix #Latitude : 40.4827 N #ELongitude : 279.9795 E #Elevation : 1260 ft Survey of Transiting Extrasolar Planets at the University of Pittsburgh (STEPUP) team members: Professor Michael Wood-Vasey, Melanie Good, Louis Coban, # Gary Lander, Eric Roebuck, Korena Costello, # Gwendolyn Weaver, Maya Hunt, Nelson Hua, Chelsea Vincent # (University of Pittsburgh) #Email : exoplanet@list.pitt.edu

: (helcor = 0.0018)
: minut
: mag
Submitted data: geocentric based on UTC

Rp: 1.224 +/- 0.041 RJup 1.245 -0.098+0.091 RJup
R*: 1.003 +/- 0.036 RSun fixed, errors included in i
A: 0.03556 +/- 0.00075 AU fixed, errors included in i
Per: 2.47061322 days fixed
i : 83.57 +/- 0.14 ° 83.50 -0.47|1.03+0.55|1.19 °




TrES-2 b

  1. Nikolay Mishevskiy, 29. 10. 2014
    Sorry, I accidentally entered two identical observations. How do I delete one?

No records

  1. Giuseppe Marino, 20. 10. 2013 (www)
    This analysis should replace the old AXA analysis present in the TRESCA database (see TrES2b - Marino - AXA - 2009-06-26).
  2. Giuseppe Marino, 20. 10. 2013 (www)
    THESE ARE THE CORRECT DATA - a clock correction of 39 s was necessary. Please, delete the previous submission of the same curve.
  3. Manfred Raetz, 3. 4. 2019 (www)
    already published in 2009AN....330..459R

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Magpie observatory (FTP)
(Martin Bartošík)

STATUS: lr(ACTIVE)20:00 - 06:00

PROGRAM: V 709 Cas, main program - CV and transits of exoplanets

Observatorio Astronómico Giordano Bruno
(Fco- Manuel Santos Álamo)

STATUS: lr(ACTIVE)20:38 - 04:38

PROGRAM: De 20:00 a 02:30

Osservatorio Astronomico Citta di Seveso
(Pietro Aceti)

STATUS: lr(ACTIVE)12:30 - 10:45


(Giuseppe Conzo)

STATUS: lr(ACTIVE)10:47 - 18:47