Known transiters:

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ETD - Exoplanet Transit Database

Observers community | How to contribute to ETD | Model-fit your data | Transit predictions |
KEPLER predictions | TESS Predictions

Your ELONGITUDE (in deg): 0° - 360°
Your LATITUDE (in deg): 90° - 0° - -90°

Available predictions: (UT evening date)

2024-07- 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31,
2024-08- 01, 02, 03, 04, 05,

User defined time span: From: Till:  

Transits predictions for ELONGITUDE: 5° and LATITUDE: 45°

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Showing transits only more then 20 degrees above horizont in time of midtransit and sun more then 10 degrees bellow horizont for your observing place (ELONGITUDE: 5° and LATITUDE: 45°)

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Credit & Contact

How to cite data from ETD in your scientific paper

All data available at this site were obtained from published literature or from open on-line sources (TRESCA, AXA) and can be used freely for scientific purposes.

If you find Exoplanet Transit Database useful for your work, please type the REFERENCE as follows:
Poddany S., Brat L., Pejcha O., New Astronomy 15 (2010), pp. 297-301,
Exoplanet Transit Database. Reduction and processing of the photometric data of exoplanet transits (arXiv:0909.2548v1)

While using data from Exoplanet Transit Database in your publication, please type the REFERENCE as follows:
- If transit observation was captured from published literature / paper, you can find reference in column "Author & REFERENCE", so the source paper should be cited in common way.
- If transit observation was published in some on-line source (AXA, TRESCA), ask observers for a permission and other useful comments about the data. We can supply you with e-mail contact to observer if necessary.

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