Observing Campaings and Requests for Observations

This page contains list of campaings on specified targets or requests for observations by researchers. Observers are encouraged to join to ongoing campaigns, they are usually announced for a short period of time and the data will be used in publication.

Campaigns are marked by observing project, to which they bellong.
B.R.N.O. - eclipsing binaries, MEDUZA - intrinsic variables, TRESCA - transiting exoplanets and HERO - high energy objects (x-ray sources).

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Search for HAT-P-13 c transit

VALIDITY: 12. 3. 2010 - 30. 6. 2010
AUTHOR: Benjamin Nelson, 12. 3. 2010
------- NEW 25th March 2010 ---------
Refined prediction of HAT-P-13 possible transit.
Joshua N. Winn et al. has published paper The HAT-P-13 Exoplanetary System: Evidence for Spin-Orbit Alignment and a Third Companion with new precise radial velocity data. The refined orbit of HAT-P-13 c lead to predicted possible
transit window centered at JD 2455315.2 +/- 1.9 (28th April, 2010, 17h UT).
------- NEW 25th March 2010 ---------

During April 2010, the observing window for transits of outer planet of HAT-P-13 double planetary system (HAT-P-13 c) will appear. Observers are called to join the observing campaign and try to find transits of this 428.5 day orbit exoplanet. More often HAT-P-13 b transit observations are also very encouraged (see bellow).

Benjamin Nelson and colleques from University of Florida are enouncing observing campaign on this system, which should afford more information about HAT-P-13 b and c exoplanets.


HAT-P-13, to summarize, is a 10.6 magnitude, 1.22 solar mass star with a 2.9 day, transiting planet (b) and a ~430 day outer planet (c) with a highly eccentric orbit (~0.7).

A lot of dynamical work can and has been done on this system. The transit probability, given the inclination distribution from these two papers (Mardling, 2010 and Beatty & Seager, 2010) is about 8% and the maximum transit duration is about 15 hours.

Given the uncertainty in the orbital period, the planet may transit on a completely different date than predicted in the discovery paper, Bakos et al. 2009 - April 12th, 2010 at 9 AM UTC.

Matt Payne (University of Florida) has done a histograms of the most likely times using MCMC algorithm. It predicts, that probably transit of HAT-P-13 c should occur between 9th and 24th April 2010 (2455302.5 +8.2 / -6.5 days). Where uncertainties are 1-sigma, i.e. they indicate the spread that would be required to encompass 68% of the MCMC data. See pictures:

Not only search for a "c" planet. But "b" planet transit observations are strongly ecouraged.

High precision observations of the inner planet can potentially yield a lot of information regarding the relative inclination in the system. Such observations should preferentially take place over an approximately 50-60 day period straddling the date of pericenter passage of the outer planet, i.e. approximately:
JD 2455296 - 2455360, i.e. April 9th - June 12th

HAT-P-13 b transit observations should be submitted to TRESCA & ETD database using the model-fitting application form.
HAT-P-13 c data should be sent to Benjamin Nelson, coordinator of the campaign.

> Transit predictions for inner planet "b" (ETD)

> Inside Information (oklo.org) NEW 22nd March 2010

> Two-Planet Perturbations for 2010 (by Bruce Gary) NEW 22nd March 2010

> HAT-P-13: good news and bad news at oklo.org (NEW 7th April 2010)

- Bakos et al. 2009: http://arxiv.org/abs/0907.3525
- Mardling, 2010: http://arxiv.org/abs/1001.4079
- Beatty & Seager, 2010: http://arxiv.org/abs/1002.3168

Campaign text compiled by Lubos Brat

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Deep Sky Chile
(Chantal Hemmann)

STATUS: Active23:59 - 07:59


Magpie observatory (FTP)
(Martin Bartošík)

STATUS: Active20:00 - 06:00

PROGRAM: V 709 Cas, main program - CV and transits of exoplanets

Observatorio Astronómico Giordano Bruno
(Fco- Manuel Santos Álamo)

STATUS: Active20:38 - 04:38

PROGRAM: De 20:00 a 02:30

Osservatorio Astronomico Citta di Seveso
(Pietro Aceti)

STATUS: Active12:30 - 10:45


(Giuseppe Conzo)

STATUS: Active10:47 - 18:47