Membership in Variable Star and Exoplanet Section of CAS

Members of the Section could be everybody older than 15 years, who is interested in variable stars, exoplanets and stellar astrophysics in general.
Because Section is a part of Czech Astronomical Society, only members of the CAS can be members of our Section. Joining to Section and to CAS usually happens together.

If you want to join us, please fill the Membership application form online (only form in Czech!)

Please contact member database administrator Radek Kocian by e-mail as well and tell him about your wishes to become a member.

Membership fee - VSE Section for 2020:
- normal fee CZK 150,- (6 Euro)
- reduced fee (students, pensioners, participants on maternity leave) CZK 110,- (5 Euro)
-> foreign payments (outside the Czech Republic and Slovakia) has to be increased by EUR 1,- for bank charges

Membership fee - Czech Astronomical Society for 2020:
- reduced fee - pensioners, students (Czech Republic and Slovakia) CZK 400,- (12 Euro)
- normal fee (Czech Republic and Slovakia) CZK 500,- (16 Euro)
- foreign fee (outside Czech Republic and Slovakia) CZK 700,- (24 Euro)
-> foreign payments (outside the Czech Republic and Slovakia) has to be increased by EUR 1,- for bank charges

Together fee for foreign members VSE and CAS: 30 Euro + 1 Euro bank fee.

Money could be sent via bank transfer:

Account number: 2900452458 / 2010 FIO Bank

IBAN: CZ98 2010 0000 0029 0045 2458
Identification number: ask a member database administrator Radek Kocian by email

Members of Czech Astronomical Society have many advantages and discounts

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Observer registration

> Minima predictions <

> Exoplanet transits <

New minima in B.R.N.O.:

New transits in TRESCA:

New data MEDUZA:

Currently operating observers:
Observers on-line chat

Magpie observatory (FTP)
(Martin Bartošík)

STATUS: Active20:00 - 06:00

PROGRAM: V 709 Cas, main program - CV and transits of exoplanets

Observatorio Astronómico Giordano Bruno
(Fco- Manuel Santos Álamo)

STATUS: Active20:38 - 04:38

PROGRAM: De 20:00 a 02:30

Osservatorio Astronomico Citta di Seveso
(Pietro Aceti)

STATUS: Active12:30 - 10:45


(Giuseppe Conzo)

STATUS: Active10:47 - 18:47