> Walter F. (Štefánik Observatory, Prague, Czech Republic)

Coordinates RA DE:
Belong to project: B.R.N.O.   MEDUZA   TRESCA   HERO

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JD format: geocentric  heliocentric
date: 2.5.2016 23:22-2:25 UT
Photometric filter: Clear
y  (Strömgren phot. system)
Photometric system: instrumental   standardní photometric system UBVRcIc
Notes: D1_C1_o.83,45_30s_1600iso

Minimum posunuto proti předpovědi o alespoň + 60min oproti předpovědi (elementy 51291.8086+0.29437*E).

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object V1321 Her

  1. Walter F., 16. 3. 2020
    Pimary minimum accured 1h 10m prior observation 15.4.2020 2:30-5:30 UTC. Calculated for elements 51291.8086+0.29437*E.
  2. Daniš S., 29. 6. 2019
    28/29.6.2019 - minimum nastalo asi 1h10min později oproti předpovědi pro elementy 51291.8086+0.29437*E


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  1. Smolka M., 23. 3. 2016 (www)
    The observed minimum is probably secondary - not sure. The JD to calendar date conversion is wrong - it should be 2016-03-23 0:53